5 Unheard Facts About Laser Hair Removal Everyone Should Know

The laser method of hair removal is a very new method adopted in the industry a few years ago. Due to this, most people don’t know much about the laser method in detail and have misconceptions in their minds. That is why here we have brought up the 7 most unheard and unknown facts about laser treatment. Knowing these things will help you out save your time and let you know that you are eligible for the treatment. They are as follows.
The colors of the hair define the eligibility
The first fact is that eligibility for laser hair removal depends on the colors of the person’s hair. If a person has strands of light colors, we can say blonde or grey or even red; then they cannot get the laser treatment. This is because the amount of melanin in their body is less or equal to zero. Those who don’t know the process should understand that melanin absorbs the laser particle and converts to heat, which acts on the follicles.
Due to less amount of melanin, the person can’t absorb the laser, due to which it will not be feasible to get the treatment as it will be a waste of money.
Colors of the roots of hairs can make a difference
There are many cases in which the color of a person’s hair is light, but the roots are dark in color. In such cases, the person gets eligible for the treatment. The simple reason behind this is that melanin is present in the roots of the hairs. If the roots are black and the rest hairs are of another color, the amount of melanin present in the person is high. It means that such people are eligible for the treatment, and they don’t have to look for other methods.
All one needs to do for this is get their hairs checked by the dermatologists to examine and tell you in detail about your hair roots.
There are no chances of cancer
There is a great misconception in the market that if a person gets the laser treatment done, then there are high chances that they are prone to cancer. This theory is that the laser particles are going to enter the body, which will make changes in the pattern of cells, and that can cause cancer. But this is not true.
The laser’s effect is only limited to the hair follicles and doesn’t make any changes in the pattern of the cells. It means that one can go for the laser operation of hair removal without any tension of cancer as it is a pure myth.
Not suitable for all types of skins
It is true that the type and the color of the skins impact laser therapy to a considerable intensity. If the person has light skin, then the power of laser required for the treatment will be significantly less as compared to the dark skin tone person that will need high-intensity laser treatment. Along with that, the type of skin also affects the eligibility. There are many people who are not able to get the treatment done due to non-eligible skin type.
The hairs that grow again are hard
Many people say that laser hair before and after growth has a huge difference. They think that after the treatment, the hair that grows back is stiff, which is not valid. The hair that grows again is soft in nature and is very quickly bearable. Instead, one will feel that new hairs are more delicate than the previous ones.