
How to Make Your Pokemon Go Account Powerful? – Some Major Tips

Are you looking for the major tips that can help you to make your Pokemon go account powerful? If yes, stay connected as the below information will help you grab major details related to your query. It is a must for you to learn about the major tips to make your game more powerful so that you can experience wonderful gaming environments. When you consider making your account powerful, then make sure that you will buy pokemon go account safely by searching for about it.

  • Transfer Pokemon for Candies 

First and the major tip that can help you make your Pokemon go account powerful is to transfer your Pokemon for candies. There is an option in the game that allows you to transfer Pokemon to the professor to get the Candy of that Pokemon variety. Once you consider this tip, it will help you get the Stardust and candy to transfer out Pokemon that you don’t need.

  • Build Your XP First 

Another major tip you must consider for making your game more powerful is building your XP first and then trying to power up the game. If you pay attention to this tip, it will help you move through XP levels, which will allow you to grab wonderful experiences by leveling up your game.

  • Turn Off AP Mode 

For making your Pokemon go account powerful, make sure that you will turn off AR mode. This mode is more fun because it brings real-life, but it requires more battery and makes the game more difficult to play. If you don’t want to face any disturbance, then you should turn off this mode.

With the help of the information mentioned above, you can learn about the major tips that can allow you to power up your Pokemon go account. Once you pay proper attention to the major tips, it will be very beneficial for you and help you power up your account easily.

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